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Partenaires de confiance et fabriquant de matériel conçu pour le vol

Pilot Instructor


Aged 31, Thomas began with paragliding courses in the French Alps in 2010. He then discovered paramotoring, by chance, in his native region of Yvelines, west of Paris. He enrolled in a school and trained in paramotoring in 2014. He flies a lot and gains experience quickly.  He then discovered competition in 2016 where he participated in the French championship and finished second in the standings. He then joined the friendly, French Paramotor team in the single-seater trolley category and was selected to participate in the Classic Paramotor World Championship in England where he finished 1st in his category, winning this 2016 Championship in the single-seater trolley. He will continue the competition within the French team in the take-off category on foot whichwill take him flying in the Czech Republic, Thailand and other countries around the world.



The paramotor is a machine from the ULM (ultra light motorized) family. It is composed of a sail designed on the basis of a paraglider and a propeller motor protected by a cage and fixed on a frame. Everything is carried on the back to be able to take off while running or placed on a trolley to be able to take off while rolling. The paramotor allows you to take off on the flat. No need for slope as for a paraglider. Thanks to its engine, it can fly level (flight at the same height) and can therefore cover a lot of distance. on his wing. All you need to do is spot a diversion ground and land there safely.

It is the most practical ULM to transport (2 suitcases are enough) and it is the least expensive aircraft to fly. The feeling of freedom is immense!

Come and discover paramotoring at POE in New Caledonia, one of the most beautiful places in the world!

Embouchure de la NERA à Bourail

Le paramoteur reste quand même l'ULM le moins coûteux pour voler, le plus pratique et le plus libre par rapport aux autres classes ULM ainsi qu'à l'avion.

Le coût horaire est très faible, pas de hangar de stockage et entretien beaucoup moins pointu.

Il se démonte rapidement pour être transporté en voiture, on peut le ranger dans une valise et partir à l'autre bout de la planète avec.

Les espaces de décollages sont très variés et il n'est pas nécessaire d'être sur un aérodrome pour décoller (en respectant la réglementation bien sur).

Vous pourrez également pratiquer le parapente par la suite car vos bases de gonflage et de vol sous voile vous le permettront aisément.

Vous vous sentirez libre comme l'air !



ULM Nouméa

Thomas tells you see you soon on the take-off field!



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