PILOT Training for Paragliders

New feelings! New Horizons !
Come and try!
Sail control and handling are integrated. Training is faster because a lot of work is already done. Floor work no longer holds any secrets for you? Another type of gliding awaits you!
Forparamotor training in take-off on foot or carriage:
. Safety maneuvers.
. Ground engine management and pre-flight check.
. Mastery of the take-off stroke.
. About ten solo flights with radio guidance.
. In-flight piloting exercises.
. Landing details.
Theoretical ULM (Common core ULM) MANDATORY. Not included in the package
At the end of this training, after authorization given by the trainer instructor and after obtaining the theoretical certificate, you can fly legally with appropriate and registered equipment.
An inflation test on the ground will be requested by the instructor before the start of the training to know your level.
Additional ground and/or in-flight sessions maybe necessary depending on your experience as a paraglider and your progress before obtaining the patent
(see Rates page for the cost of additional sessions).
To obtain the PARAMOTOR pilot license, you need:
- Be in good physical condition
- Be at least 15 years old;
- Hold the common core theoretical certificate, issued by Civil Aviation. It is an exam in the form of MCQ (60 questions, 1h30). The tests can be taken in an examination center in NOUMEA.
- Have satisfied, with the paramotor instructor, to:
A ground test (control of theoretical knowledge of the Paramotor).
A flight test (Verification of the procedures and the ability to pilot a Paramotor in complete safety. Can be carried out in continuous control, or by a specific flight).
These tests are specific to the ULM class. The instructor draws up the various certificates, which will be required by the DSAC to which he is attached, for the issue of the pilot's licence.